O U R   P L A N N I N G   S E R V I C E S

We advise and represent homeowners, builders and developers in all planning related matters, including appraisal of land for potential development.


We have a comprehensive understanding of the UK planning system, including Planning Acts and laws, the National Planning Policy Framework, Permitted Development Rights, supplementary planning documents and plans and policies of Local Planning Authorities (LPA) to ensure we are able to submit proposals on our client's behalf which are appropriate and sympathetic to the local area, supported by professional, comprehensive Design and Access Statements and Planning Support Statements.


We advise on, and can act as Planning Agent, in respect of the following:


D e v e l o p m e n t  A p p r a i s a l s

Development of land or an existing property, including extensions or complete property redevelopment, encompassing site layout and design proposals which are congruent with the local area.


P r e - A p p l i c a t i o n  C o n s u l t a t i o n s

Representation at LPA meetings to discuss preliminary proposals in order to obtain preliminary comments and LPA support for an Application.


P l a n n i n g  A p p l i c a t i o n s

Outline or Full Planning Applications, including preparation of all scaled plans and elevational drawings with supporting statements to ensure prompt validation of the Application in addition to maximising the potential for LPA approval.


P l a n n i n g  A p p e a l s

We undertake detailed analysis of the grounds for LPA refusal of Planning Consent in preparation of a comprehensive Appeal including detailed, constructive assessment in order to maximise the possibility of overcoming objections and winning an Appeal. A substantial number of refused applications are successful on Appeal.


L e t t e r  o f  O b j e c t i o n

Preparation and submission of a Letter of Objection to an inappropriate and unsympathetic proposal which will significantly impact on you and your property.


C h a n g e  o f  U s e

Detailed appraisal and advice on the prospect of success and preparation of supporting statements to ensure your Change of Use application is successful.


C o n s e r v a t i o n   A r e a s  &  L i s t e d  B u i l d i n g s

Advice pertaining to matters relating to the above and/or formal representation in regard to planning applications, design and development of either new build or renovations in areas designated by the LPA as a 'Conservation Area' and/or renovation of Listed Buildings.


For a helpful discussion about your project without obligation, please call us on (01903) 264086.



Contact us

The Mill Building

31-35 Chatsworth Road


West Sussex BN11 1LY

T (01903) 264086



O f f i c e  h o u r s

Monday to Friday

9.00 am to 5.30 pm.

Other times by appointment

 Est. 1986


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© The Design Company 1986 - 2023 | The Mill Building 31-35 Chatsworth Road Worthing West Sussex BN11 1LY United Kingdom | (01903) 264086